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Specialty Poultry Breeds



Silver Laced Patridge

We raise quality poultry and are NPIP certified.
We currently offer (all straight run chicks):
Olive Eggers - $5 each for straight run chicks, $30/dozen for hatching egg
Guinea Keets (assorted colors) $6
$10 each or 5 for $45 hatching eggs $60 for 12:
Millie Fleur bantam Cochins
Mottled bantam Cochins
Blue, Splash or Standard Jubilee Orpingtons
Silkies $10 each
Showgirls $15 each
Chocolate Silkies $15 each
Ancona Ducklings pre-paid $12 each or hatching eggs $72/dozen
All chicks and hatching eggs are local pickup only at this time.
Questions? Contact us.
Meet Our Black Copper Marans

Meet Our Blue Jubilee Orpingtons

Meet Our Silkies

Meet Our Olive Eggers

Meet Our Millie Fleur/Calico Bantam Chochins

Meet Our Lemon Blue/Lemon Blue Splash

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